29.05.2020 • 

For these problems, I would like you to think about the numbers like you would think of $ money. In example: -9 + 2 = -7 It’s the same as saying you owe/or in debt of $9 (-9) and then someone gives(+) you $2 to help you pay your debt. So now what remains that you owe is $7 (-7). Let’s look at it another way: 9 + (-2) = [is this answer going to be a positive or negative answer?] If you have $9 in your pocket, then someone tells you, “hey, add(+) the $2 you still owe(-) me to your $9.” Will you still have the $9 + more money? Actually, your answer will be a positive sum. But decide if it will be 11 or 7? Which is the correct answer. Give your answer in the comment and explain WHY.

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