04.04.2020 • 

For this question, you will use JMP to analyze the Deflategate data set. This data set is based on the "Wells Report", outlining the finding from an investigation into whether there was strong evidence that the New England Patriots football team intentionally let air out of footballs during a playoff game in 2015. It is recommended that you read the .pdf document outlining what is in this data set before you begin. You can find this document on Canvas under "Additional Class Stuff / Data". Each student is randomly assigned one of 10 versions of this dataset. Your version is 9. Enter the numbers exactly as they appear in JMP. WebAssign is set to use three decimal place precision to determine if the answer is correct.

1. Report the values of the following:
a. Mean halftime PSI for Colts = 12.693
b. Standard deviation of mean halftime PSI for Colts = 0.134
c. Standard error of mean halftime PSI for Colts = 0.067
d. 95% CI for Colts PSI Halftime = 12.480 to 12.905
e. Mean halftime PSI for Patriots = 11.096 f. Standard deviation of mean halftime PSI for Patriots = 0.448
g. Standard error of mean halftime PSI for Patriots = 0.135 h. 95% CI for upatriots PSI Halftime = 10.795 to 11.397

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