31.03.2021 • 

HELPPP 1. The excerpt is best understood as a response to which of the following historical developments?

“The agitation on the subject of Slavery, now raging through the breadth of the land, presents a most extraordinary spectacle. Congress, after a protracted session of nearly ten months, succeeded in passing a system of measures, which are believed to be just to all parts of the Republic, and ought to be satisfactory to the People. The South has not triumphed over the North, nor has the North achieved a victory over the South. Neither party has made any humiliating concessions to the other.”

-Source: Senator Stephen A. Douglas, in a speech, 1851

the passage of the Compromise of 1850

the creation of the reservation system in the West

the end of the Mexican-American War

the sale of land in the Midwest at a low cost

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