12.12.2019 • 

How would you characterize the style of parenting under which you were raised? was the same style used by both of your parents? what specific behavioral effects of your upbringing can you identify in yourself? how about your parents’ upbringing? how would they (or you) characterize the style of parenting used by their parents (your grandparents)? now think creatively about who you might have been had you been raised by other parents. prepare three brief descriptions of how you might have developed using any three to four styles of parenting (use above resources). the mysterious workings of the adolescent brain what have scientists found about the adolescent brain in the last decade? what does the pre-frontal cortex do? what happens to grey matter in adolescence? what does this mean? is adolescence a modern creation, according to blakemore? why or why not? why are adolescents more likely to take risks, according to blackmore?

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