10.07.2019 • 

Hw w1-1 the logical expression, po q, denotes the binary operator, exclusive or, evaluated with the logic variables p and q. (p0q) is true when one or the other, but not both, of p or q is true. in terms of the basic logical operators, conjunction, disjunction and negation, this can be expressed as follows, pq (p v q) a (p a q) la. derive the truth table for by evaluating its equivalent expression in the basic logical operators. 1b. is associative? that is, is the following equivalence valid? (p q) r pe (q r) use a truth table to justify your answer. 1c. is a right-distributive over ? that is, is the following equivalence valid? (p q) a r (par) (qar) use a truth table to justify your answer 1d. is right-distributive over a? that is, is the following equivalence valid? (paq) r (pr)a (q r) use a truth table to justify your answer.

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