04.12.2020 • 

(I’m african) My science teacher in 7th grade gave me a paper for this science camp and i live in georgia in a small town. they took us to the forest to adventure the all nature. when the sun started going down we went back to the bus but it ended up breaking down and they started calling someone. and they told us we could go back to the forest if we wanted to but me and this other black girl stayed in the bus because we not into that type of stuff and when the white kids got off the bus the kk.k were doing their ritual and they legit saw all the white kids but didn’t do nothing to them and we looked thur the window because the white kids were saying how cool it was and how they WANTED TO JOIN THEM. me and this black girl i met were legit hinding in the bus for hours scared but nothing ended up happening to us and i’m thankful for that

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