18.10.2019 • 

In many fast food restaurants, there is a strong correlation between a menu item's fat content (measured in grams) and its calorie content. we want to investigate this relationship. using all of the food menue items at a well known fast food restuarant, the fat content and calorie contents were measured. we decide to fit the lsrl to the data, with fat content (x) as the explanatory variable and (y) as the response variable. one of the menu items is a hamburger with 107 grams of fat and 1410 calories.

r = correlation between x and y = 0.979

x bar = mean of the values of x = 40.35 grams

y bar = mean of values of y = 662.88 calories

sx = standard deviation of the values of x = 27.99 grams

sy = standard devation of the values of y = 324.90 calories

1.) the slope of the least-squares regressin line is

a. -11.36

b 11.36

c. 0.979

d. 16.08

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