12.02.2020 • 

It is thought that basketball teams that make too many fouls in a game tend to lose the game even if they otherwise play well. Let x be the number of fouls more than (i.e., over and above) the opposing team. Let y be the percentage of times the team with the larger number of fouls wins the game.

X= 0 2 5 6
Y= 50 45 33 26

Complete parts (a) through (e), given Σx = 16, Σy = 154, Σx2 = 78, Σy2 = 6302, Σxy = 548, and r ≈ −0.941.

a. Draw a scatter diagram displaying the data.
b. Find X- bar, Y- bar, a and b. Then find the equation of the least squares line y=a+bx.
c. Graph the least squares line on your scatter diagram. Be sure to use the point ( X-bar, Y- bar) as one of the points on the line.
d. Find the value of the coefficient of determination r ^2. What percentage of the variation in y can be explained by the corresponding variation in x and the least squares line? What percentage is unexplained?
e. If a team had x = 4 fouls over and above the opposing tem, what does the leas squares equation forecast for y?

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