18.10.2019 • 

Now that you have worked with divide and conquer algorithms and recurrences, we will try to combine it all together. in a divide and conquer algorithm, the problem is divided into smaller subproblems, each subproblem is solved recursively, and a combine algorithm is used to solve the original problem. assume that there are a subproblems, each of size 1/b of the original problem, and that the algorithm used to combine the solutions of the subproblems runs in time cnk, for some constants a, b, c, and k. for simplicity, we will assume, n=bm, so that n/b is always an integer (b is an integer greater than 1). answer the following: (a) write the generalized recurrence equation. (b) solve the recurrence equation using a recursion tree approach. base case, t(1) = c.

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