29.11.2020 • 

one time I was on omegle and I was looking for someone to talk to me so I met this guy who said he was 15 and he asked for my sna.p and then I gave it to him and we started to not even 5 minutes into the convo he started asking for pics and I got really uncomfortable so I just told him I was going to bed the next day he wanted a selfie of me so I just gave him one because why not but when I asked him for one he kept making excuses so I just told him to forget about it, I know this might be weird but I thought maybe if I used my other sna.p acc I could maybe see him red handed he was just acting sus so basically I added him on that acc and he accepted so I start to talk to him and I ask him how old he was and he tells me he's 17??? Even though he told me he was 15. Bro ngl he sounds like some 13 year old but anyways. I just continue to talk to him and he asks me to send pics on that account too lma.o so just texted him on my main account and told him about how he's been lying and and I ghost him the end.

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