28.03.2021 • 

Otah so this ish for Ken Ken and mia , big bro :} Alright so I haven’t been honest to what happend to me and when y’all ask me if I’m ok I haven’t told y’all what happens 1 day ago :}

ok um how to put this I got into a fight I got beat up really badly but I did fight back I don’t know how it happend but someone just came up to me and punched me they were my age and with a couple of fwiends beat me up I fought back but there were just to many, I’m fine I just have a couple broken bones and a cuts but I’m still alive I made it to be here with y’all I lowve chu y’all :}

Sad Shoyo hinata here!!!~<3

Otah so this ish for Ken Ken and mia , big bro :}

Alright so I haven’t been honest to what happen

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