09.09.2020 • 

Page 4 of 6712. Which visual representation correctly describes the relationships between the sets andsubsets of rational numbers?F. H.G. J.814. Set A represents rational numbers. Set B represents integers. Which diagram showsthe numbers placed in the correct sets?F. H.G. J.Page 4 of 6 Page 5 of 6915. Rodney has $15 to purchase a cake from the bakery for his mom.From the bakery's cake sign, what fraction of the cakes cost less than $15?A.B.C.D.1017. Ms. Cullen gave her students a bonus question worth 5 points. To earn the points, thestudents had to find a decimal equivalent to 8/9. Which decimal is correct?A. 0.89B. 4.45C. 0.34D. 1.12511Sebastian made 38% of his shots during a basketball game. How do you write that as a decimal?F. 38/100G. 3/8H. 3.8J. 0.38Page 5 of 6 Page 6 of 612Mr. Hill was trying to help his child on a math problem, to convert the following fraction into a decimal. – 25 / 100.What would the correct conversion be.F. 0.25G. 2.5H. -2.5J. -0.2513Patrick was in a taco eating contest. He got third place over all. They gave each contestant a plate of 20 tacos. Patrick ate 13 in theallotted time. What percent of his plate of tacos did Patrick finish?A. 17%B. 1.7%C. 85%D. 65%14Joey and Stephan split a pizza at lunch. When they were done, two of the original eight pieces were left over. What fraction of thepizza did they not eat?A. 6/8B. 3/4C. 2/8D. 1/415Arnab won 3 of 5 BMX bike races to win the tourney championship, that’s 3/5ths as a fraction. Convert that to what decimalrepresents his wins?A. 3.5B. 0.35C. 0.6D. 6.0Page 6 of 6 Find in document Jose Villagomez - *TEST 01 ALT Classifying Numbers and Converting Fractions (2).pdf

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