12.01.2021 • 

PARKING Stephanie is drawing the layout of a parking lot on a coordinate grid and needs to verify that two sides meet in a right angle. In her sketch, one side of the parking lot has endpoints A(0,0) and B(50,0). The
second side of the parking lot has endpoints B(50,0) and C(18, 24). How can Stephanie prove that the two
sides of the parking lot meet in a right angle? Select all that apply.
® Find the slopes of AC and CB. If the product of the slopes is -1, then the sides meet in a right angle.
B Find the slopes of AB and AC. If the product of the slopes is -1, then the sides meet in a right angle.
© Find the slopes of CB and AB. If the slope of AB is the opposite of the slope of AC, then the sides meet in
a right angle.
Find AB, BC, and AC. If AB + BC = AC, then the sides meet in a right angle.
Find AB, BC, and AC. IfAB2+ BC = AC?, then the sides meet in a right angle.

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