22.04.2020 • 

will give brainliest if you answer all correctly

1. Alex and Lara have $21.00 each to spend at a book fair, where all students receive a 35% discount. They both want to purchase a copy of the same book, which normally sells for $28.50 plus 10% sales tax. To check if he has enough to purchase the book, Alex takes 35% of $28.50 and subtracts that amount from the normal price. He takes 10% of the discounted selling price and adds it back to find the purchase amount. Lara takes 65% of the normal purchase price and then computes 110% of the reduced price. Is Alex correct? Is Lara correct? Do they have enough money to purchase the book? Explain your answer using complete sentences, and show your work.

2. Stan, Liam, and Louise are competing in a cooking competition. They all used different amounts of flour from a can containing 5 pounds of flour.

Stan used 12% of the total flour in the can.

Liam used 0.11 of the total flour in the can.

Louise used 0.7 pound of the total flour in the can.

Who used the greatest amount of flour from the can? Show your work and explain your answer in words.

3. The youth group is going on a trip to the state fair. The trip costs $62. Included in that price is $14 for a concert ticket and the cost of 2 passes, one for the rides and one for the game booths. Each of the passes costs the same price. Write an equation representing the cost of the trip, and determine the price of one pass. Solve your equation by showing your work and steps.

4. Maya has $15 to spend. She spent $5.50, including tax, to buy a notebook. She needs to save $7.75, but she wants to buy a snack. If cookies cost $0.25 per package including tax, what inequality would show the maximum number of packages that Maya can buy? Solve your inequality by showing your work and steps.

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