17.06.2020 • 

PLEASE HELP ASAP please answer whatever questions you're sure about WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST 1. A right square pyramid has a volume of 12 cubic centimeters. If the height remains fixed but the sides of the base are multiplied by 3, what is the volume of the new pyramid? A. 36 cm3 B. 48 cm3 C. 108 cm3 D. 72 cm3 2.The height of a right circular cone is multiplied by 3, but its radius remains fixed. By what factor will the volume of the cone be multiplied? A. 3 B. 9 C. 1/3 D. 1/9 3.The base of a right circular cone has a radius of 4 inches and a slant height of 9 inches. If the radius and the slant height are multiplied by 6, by what factor is the surface area multiplied? A. 6 B. 36 C. 24 D. 54

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