24.01.2021 • 

Please help Generally speaking, on average it takes you 3500 calories each day to maintain your weight, while 3500 extra calories generally equals 1 pound of weight gain (So, 7000 calories in one day would mean that you gained 1 pound that day).

Prompt for 7 days of calories consumed by day, starting with Sunday and going through Saturday and put the calories into an array. Print the array along with a nicely formatted header (printf is a requirement for this part of the program).

Write a method to calculate the total amount of calories consumed for the week and print the information in a nice format.

Write a method to calculate the average number of calories consumed in the week to the nearest tenth and print the information in a nice format.

Write a method to find if you gained or lost weight this week. Subtract your ideal calories to maintain your weight (7 * 3500) from the calories you consumed for the week. Did you gain or lose weight this week and by how many pounds to the nearest tenth of a pound? Print the information in a nice format.

Use the following test input to ensure your program is running properly:
Sunday - 4700 calories
Monday - 2500 calories
Tuesday - 2000 calories
Wednesday - 1800 calories
Thursday - 3000 calories
Friday - 1500 calories
Saturday - 3500 calories

This is in java..

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