05.07.2019 • 

Problem set 1: the independent-samples t testresearch scenario: a learning psychologist is interested in comparing the success of two different mnemonics (memorization methods) on performance in a memory task. he assigns students to two groups, one which learns and uses a language-based rhyming memory technique, and one which learns and uses a visual “method of loci” spatial memory technique. he then administers a memory task to each group of students. the students are scored based on the percentage of correct answers. using this table, enter the data into a new spss data file and run an independent-samples t test to test the claim that there is a difference in the percentage of correct answers between the two groups. follow the directions below the table to complete the homework.language-basedspatially-based 93 77 89 87 78 62 67 90 95838972957663998493group statisticsgroupsnmeanstd. deviationstd. error meanscoreslanguage_based982.11.694023.89801spatially_based983.777811.734333.91144independent samples testlevene's test for equality of variancest-test for equality of meansfsig.tdfsig. (2-tailed)mean differencestd. error difference95% confidence interval of the variances assumed.051.825-.32216.752-1.85.52212-13.484159.92860equal variances not assumed-.32216.000.752-1.85.52212-13.484169.92861write an apa-style results section based on your analysis. include your boxplot as an apa-style figure as demonstrated in the apa writing presentation. (results = 8 pts; graph = 5 pts) (just need this one answered . its urgent! )

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