20.03.2020 • 

Regulations require that product labels on containers of food that are available for sale to the
d that are available for sale to the public accurately
if milk containers are labeled to have 128 fluid Ounces
state the amount of food in those containers. Specifically, if milk containers are labeled to have
and the mean number of fluid ounces of milk in the containers is at least 128, the milk processor is
s can be set to the labeled amount. Variability in the
to be in compliance with the regulations. The filling machines can be set to the labeled amount
filling process causes the actual contents of milk containers to be normally distributed. A random
containers of milk was drawn from the milk processing line in a plant, and the amount of milk in each comin
was recorded.
(a) The sample mean and standard deviation of this sample of 12 containers of milk
were 127.2 ounces and 2.1 ounces, respectively. Is there sufficient evidence to
conclude that the packaging plant is not in compliance with the regulations!
Provide statistical justification for your answer.

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