19.06.2020 • 

Ricky is testing soil for a contaminant at a building site. He'll take action to stop construction if there's strong evidence that the soil has more than 400400400 parts per million (ppm) of the contaminant. He plans on using soil from nnn randomly selected locations at the building site. His hypotheses are H_0: \mu \leq 400 \text{ ppm}H 0 :μ≤400 ppmH, start subscript, 0, end subscript, colon, mu, is less than or equal to, 400, start text, space, p, p, m, end text and H_{\text{a}}: \mu > 400 \text{ ppm}H a :μ>400 ppmH, start subscript, start text, a, end text, end subscript, colon, mu, is greater than, 400, start text, space, p, p, m, end text, where \muμmu is the mean amount of the contaminant in the soil at this site. He's decided to use a significance level of \alpha=0.05.α=0.05.alpha, equals, 0, point, 05, point Suppose that in reality, H_\text{a}H a H, start subscript, start text, a, end text, end subscript is actually true. Which situation below would result the lowest probability of a Type II error?

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