18.03.2021 • 

Rovise your paragraph Rewrite your draft paragraph and include your revisions Answer Key: 1. Review the rubrie. 2. Read the three sample responses and review how those responses are scored on the rubrie, 3. Use the rubric to evaluate your students writing. Purpose and content Level 3: Exceeds Objectives The writing is in the form of a paragraph. There is a well-developed topic, main idea, and supporting details. The paragraph has been carefully revised. The sentences show variety and include interesting or colorful language. (5 points) Level 2: Meets Objectives The writing is in the form of a paragraph. There is a clear topic, main idea, and supporting details. The paragraph shows evidence of revision. The sentences show some variety in length and choice of words.( points) Level: Doesn't Meet Objectives There is no clear topic, no main idea, and few if any supporting details. Little if any revisions have occurred. The sentences lack variety and interest. (3 points) Enter student points​

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