19.12.2021 • 

Segment C prime D prime has endpoints located at C′(5, 0) and D′(3, 0). It was dilated at a scale factor of 2 from center (3, 0). Which statement describes the pre-image? Question 8 options:

segment CD is located at C(4, 0) and D(3, 0) and is half the length of segment C prime D prime period

segment CD is located at C(4, 0) and D(3, 0) and is twice the length of segment C prime D prime period

segment CD is located at C(7, 0) and D(3, 0) and is half the length of segment C prime D prime period

segment CD is located at C(7, 0) and D(3, 0) and is twice the length of segment C prime D prime period

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