26.11.2019 • 

The following problems are supposed to be done in excel. if you could explain the steps necessary to get each answer it would be appreciated. a) the banker suggests that it is essential that at least 75% of the stores opened succeed 3 years of operation for the financing to be acceptable. (success is defined as a store is profitable and still open for business for 3 years.) you believe that the 3 year survival rate for a store is 0.50 and consider opening 13 test stores in the charlotte, nc area. what is the probability that between 10 and 13 stores will be successful after 3 years? b) related to question a), what is the probability that fewer than 4 stores will be open after 3 years of operation.c) the distribution of annual revenue is estimated to be between $1.5 m dollars and $5.5 m dollars. additionally, there is no way to know if any particular level of revenue is more or less likely than another. what is the probability of annual revenue being more than or equal to $2.5 m dollars.d) in a discussion with the franchisor, he estimates that the average hourly number of customers arriving during the mid-day part of the day (11: 00 a.: 00 p.m.) is 225/hr. what is probability of 300 or more arrivals occurring in the first hour of the day (11: 00-12: 00)? e) if the value of a customer purchase is estimated to be normally distributed with a mean of $5.50 and standard deviation of $2.50, what is the probability of a customer purchase being more than $8.50?

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