13.07.2019 • 

The introduction should summarize the problem and state what approach and method will be applied to solve it.
the body of your paper should answer the questions posed in the problem, explain how you approached and answered the question or solved the problem, and for each question, show all steps involved.
the conclusion should summarize your findings and what you have determined from the data and your analysis, with a broader or personal perspective in mind when applicable.
option #2: probability #2
question #1
you have purchased stock in a new company. based on similar companies, the chance of having a return of $2000 based on what you invested is 12% and the chance of losing $1000 is 88%. what are your expected earnings from the stock?
question #2
foreign soccer leagues often test their athletes for using illegal performance enhancing drugs. the probability that a student fails chemistry is 0.23. the probability that the student fails chemistry and physics is 0.17. find the probability that the student fails chemistry given that he or she fails physics.
question #3
the winning a raffle at work is 1 to 20. what is the probability that you win?

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