20.03.2021 • 

Use Random number generator (under Data Analysis) to create THREE columns of data each 30 points long. -For the FIRST data set use the following parameters: number of variables (2), number of data point (30), Distribution (Normal), Mean (20), Standard Deviation (5), Random seed (1234). Keep these data in columns labeled A and B.
-For the SECOND data set use the following parameters: number of variables (1), number of data point (30), Distribution (Normal), Mean (30), Standard Deviation (5), Random seed (7767). Cut and paste this data into column C, next to the data earlier created.

Perform two t-tests, one comparing data in columns A and C and the other comparing the data in columns B and C. And answer the questions. (Pick the closest answer)

13. The two P-values are:

a. Both smaller than 5% but larger than 1%
b. One smaller than 1% and one larger than 1%
c. One smaller than 5% and one larger than 5%
d. Both smaller than 1%
14. What is the Statistical interpretation for these two t-test?

a. In one case we have a conclusive answer while for other we do not.
b. Since both P-values are small in both cases we have a conclusive answer.
c. Both P-values are too large and we can conclude that the two averages are the same.
d. None of the above
15. What is the conclusion?

a. The P-value is very small and we can conclude that the correlation between the data is significant.
b. ââThe statistics does not agree with the intuition: the new data is created with different means and yet, the statistics yields inconclusive statement.
c. Statistical interpretation agrees with the intuition: the data in Column C is created with the mean of 30 which is different from 20, and the t-test detected this difference.
d. None of these

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