27.01.2021 • 

Whats 3+2 Im a girl... i wrote this... and i showed it to someone that meant a lot to me... and i want others to use it as well... please just don't hate on me for writing it...

When we first met, I judged you just a bit
Now i can't wait to feel your hand on my hip
Life won't ever be the same
Because we have something that can not be tamed
With the sun shining on our future home
We are far apart, not trapped in a dome

Being with you through good and bad
always makes me glad
Being able to call you mine
Reminds me that everything will be perfectly fine

God brought you into my life
You fixed my broken heart
Making everything right
I don't know how to repay you, I don't know where to start
something for me to endeavor
Is to try and be yours... Forever

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