17.04.2020 • 

1. (14 points) In order to graduate from Ohio, you need to earn 3 points on an Algebra EOC or score remediation
scores on the ACT and SAT math exams. The EOC exams are normally distributed with a mean of 704.39
and a standard deviation of 36.18. A score of 700 is needed to earn 3 points.
the values of each standard deviation above and below the mean, and make sure to add in the value
of the mean. Answers only are fine.
(Graph below)
b. What would be the z-score for a 700 on the EOC? Show work.
C. You can also earn math credit by scoring a remediation free score on the ACT. ACT tests have a mean
value of 21.65 and a standard deviation of 5.36. What would be a Z-score for a 22 on the ACT? Show work.
d. You can also earn math credit by scoring a remediation free score on the SAT. SAT tests have a mean value
of 528 and a standard deviation of 117. What would be a z-score for a 530 on the SAT? Show work.
e. Of the three testing options, which would be statistically easier to earn? Circle the answer and explain
your reasoning. EOC ACT SAT

WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!1. (14 points) In order to graduate from Ohio, you need to earn 3 points on an

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