18.04.2020 • 

You are given four values (1.073, 4.153, 1.08, and 4.6) and asked to conduct calculations on them. You perform a series of mathematical operations using the values and make a table that includes the calculated value as displayed on your calculator:

Mathematical operation Value displayed by calculator
1.073+4.153+1.08+4.6 10.9060
1.073×1.08 1.15884
4.153−1.08 3.07300
4.153/31.0341 0.133821
4.6/31.0341 0.148224

Sort the values displayed by the calculator according to the number of significant figures they should contain after you conduct the appropriate rounding of the values. Match the items to their respective categories.

a) 1 significant figure
b) 2 significant figures
c) 3 significant figures
d) 4 significant figures

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