04.11.2020 • 

20 Points available for physics help Can y'all check my answers? :)
A 2.9 g bullet moving at 309 m/s strikes a stationary block with a mass of 2.55 kg. If the bullet passes through the block and continues moving at a speed of 48 m/s, how fast is the block moving after the bullet hits it? Remember, the mass must be in kilograms. Report the answer to 4 decimal places. Please do not include units or the answer will be marked incorrect.

Object A undergoes a head-on collision with Object B. If Object A was traveling at 1 m/s and has a mass of 4 kg, and Object B has a mass of 7 kg, how fast was Object B traveling if both objects come to rest after the collision? Report your answer to one decimal place. Please do not include units or the answer will be marked incorrect.

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