12.11.2019 • 

Atwo stage rocket is to be used to deliver a payload of 1000 kg to a circular low- earth orbit altitude 1200 km; 40% of the delta-v will be delivered by the first stage, and 60% by the second stage. the vehicle will be launched eastward from kennedy space center where the speed of rotation of the earth is 427 m/s. assume gravitational velocity losses of about 1200 m/s and aerodynamic velocity losses of 500 m/s. the first stage burns kerosene and oxygen producing a mean specific impulse of 320 seconds averaged over the flight, while the upper stage burns hydrogen and oxygen with an average specific impulse of 450 seconds. the inert fraction of the first stage is 0.05 and that of the second is 0.07. determine mpayload/ minitial_(the ratio of mass of payload to the initial mass), and the total mass of the vehicle on the launchpad. assume perfectly expanded nozzles.

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