01.07.2019 • 

Electromagnetic waves transport energy. this problem shows you which parts of the energy are stored in the electric and magnetic fields, respectively, and also makes a useful connection between the energy density of a plane electromagnetic wave and the poynting vector. in this problem, we explore the properties of a plane electromagnetic wave traveling at the speed of light c along the x axis through vacuum. its electric and magnetic field vectors are as follows: e⃗ =e0sin(kx−ωt)j^, b⃗ =b0sin(kx−ωt)k^. throughout, use these variables ( e, b, e0, b0, k, x, and ω) in your answers. you will also need the permittivity of free space ϵ0 and the permeability of free space μ0. note: to indicate the square of a trigonometric function in your answer, use the notation sin(x)^2 not sin^2(x

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