26.03.2021 • 

For each of the three simple circuit boards you will need to calculate the total resistance Reg for the entire circuit board by using the measured resistances of each of the resistors, and the equations given to you in the theory section. Then using the applied voltage of 2V, as the theoretical voltage Vth for the entire circuit board you can calculate the theoretical current, it, for the entire circuit board. Table 1(Resistors in series) calculate R(Q) lex(A) Vex(V) ith(A) Ven(V) % Error i % Error V Reo 305, 2 .00u61 1.9864 100 10.4 .006 .0681 1000 99.62 .0064 .6484 2000 195 00660 1.26% 1. Using the equations for resistors in series calculate the theoretical voltages, and currents for each of the resistors, and the entire circuit. Use the measured values of the resistance in your calculations. Then calculate the % errors. Show work. (20 points) 2. According to our equations, what should be the relationship between the total current and the currents passing through each resistor? Does your data show this relationship? (5 points) do c on loot boenlu oy sombra Vi b o rbe to zostabacom sudbredt voor das vogalov bolagsstarostovo 3. According to our equations, what should be the relationship between the total voltage and the voltages passing over each resistor? Does your data show this relationship? (5 points) com d an bisa

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