17.02.2021 • 

Many neighborhood groups are working to restore the natural plant and animal life near lakes. They believe that the kinds of plants you grow and how you treat them is important. This is true for parks around the lakes and for nearby yards. Three things are especially important: how you fertilize, what you do with grass clippings and leaves and how you water the lawn. Water from the yard goes directly into creeks, rivers and lakes. So it carries what's in the yard into the waterways.

If you test your soil at a county extension service, you can learn what it needs before you start fertilizing. Then you can choose a fertilizer with little or no phosphorus in it. Phosphorus is an additive that harms lakes when it runs off lawns. Many lawns have enough phosphorus already. You usually need to fertilize the lawn only once a year.

When too much phosphorus and other nutrients enter the lakes, they promote algae and weed growth. This growth, in turn, affects the oxygen level in the lakes and lowers the water quality for plants and animals. It also makes the lakes look less attractive and smell unpleasant.

Don't leave grass clippings, leaves or fertilizer on the driveway. They will be more likely to wash into the storm sewer and into the waterways. If you leave grass clippings in the yard, they will help the lawn retain moisture, will give it nutrients and will keep the soil temperature cooler.

The more efficiently you water, the less the water will run off into creeks and lakes. Don't over-water and don't let water run down the driveway. Early in the morning, before 8 a.m., is a good time because then less water will evaporate than in the afternoon.

Growing more native plants can benefit a lake environment. They increase the diversity of plants and animals. Also, because they need less maintenance, they cause fewer pollutants and chemicals to enter the lake water. Supporters of this type of planting encourage residents in the area to plant them, too. If we have more native plants instead of highly manicured lawns, we'll have to use fewer chemicals on our lawns. And they retain moisture better, so less water will run off into waterways.

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Here is a question from the text aids: How does the way we keep our yards affect lakes?
Phosphorus in fertilizer reduces bad smells in lakes.
We need to conserve water so lakes won't dry up.
Phosphorus can cause more weeds and algae to grow in lakes.

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