08.05.2021 • 

Please HELP 5. Calculate: To find the total energy emitted in the proton-proton chain, you have to consider
the fact that two He-3 atoms must be created to form the final He-4 atom. Write the energy
produced in each step, and then find the sum of all of these energies using the table below.

Second step Last step
(He-3 created) (He-4 created)
Total energy
First He-3 atom
Second He-3 atom
First step
(H-2 created)
1.44 Mev

Extend your thinking: To determine the net
equation for the conversion of hydrogen-1 to
helium-4. list the equations for each step of the
proton-proton chain in the space at right. (Write two
equations for the first step and the second step,
because these are repeated.)
Next, cross out any elements that appear on both
sides of the equation. Anything that remains makes
up the net equation.

Please HELP

5. Calculate: To find the total energy emitted in the proton-proton chain, you h

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