23.06.2021 • 

Please help, only answer if your 1000% correct im in summer school and need to pass this class Action reaction forces never cancel each other out because ? *
1 point
they do not act on objects.
they act on the same objects
they act on different objects.
none of the above
A force can be described as? *
1 point
push or pull action
pulling direction
direction of change
push action only
Using EquatIO calculate the resultant force for the horizontal (x-axis) component. Show your calculation step. *
2 points
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A player hits a baseball with a bat. The action force is the impact of the bat against the ball. The reaction force is ? *
1 point
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the grip of the player's hands on the ball
the weight of the ball
the air resistance of the ball
the force of the ball against the bat
Which law is this? "An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." *
1 point
Newtons third law
Newtons second law
Newtons first law
None of the above
Which law is this? "If an object A exerts a force on object B, then object B must exert a force of equal magnitude and opposite direction back on object A." *
1 point
None of the above
Newtons second law
Newtons first law
Newtons third law
What can be said about a force on an object that is not stationary? *
1 point
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there are no forces acting on the object
there are unequal forces acting on the object
there is only one force acting on the object
there are equal and opposite acting on the object
Using EquatIO calculate the resultant force for the vertical (y-axis) component. Show your calculation step. *
2 points
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Identify the different force acting on a moving vehicle shown in the mage below. *
5 points
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Reaction force
Air resistance
Reaction force
Air resistance
Which law is this? "The acceleration of an object is directly related to the net force and inversely related to its mass." *
1 point
None of the above
Newtons third law
Newtons first law
Newtons second law
If forces acting on an object are unbalanced, what can occur to the object? *
1 point
all of the above
change of shape
change in direction
If a player hits a baseball with a force of 870N Calculate the acceleration (state the units) of the ball . Show your calculation step using only EquatIO. *
2 points
Captionless Image
Action reaction forces never cancel each other out because ? *
1 point
they act on different objects.
none of the above
they act on the same objects
they do not act on objects.

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