20.09.2019 • 

Show that the control volume for air at 20°c is - a cube that has length 10- um (micron) on a side, if the requirement for control volume magnitude be that it contains 10 molecules of air assume the molar volume of air is 25 l (liter) per mole. (8 pts) 6. i tried to get a jar of mexican chocolate mole' sauce through an airport tsa officer by telling her that the bulk modulus of the sauce was at least 10 pa, and that it had a density of 7000 kg/m', eg, that it was less compressible than, and nearly as dense as, steel. a. who won this argument and why? (6 pts.) the jar was clear and was not totally full-that is, there was a little air in the top b. what simple experiment could she design (without opening the lid or breaking the jar) to answer the question for certain ?

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