29.06.2019 • 

The dagram below shows the initial and final velocities of the bals 1.00 before collision: after collision: v2? n this case m1.32 kg m2 2.35 k 4.45 ms 223 ms -1.83 ms what is the initial momentum of the system? kgms (note: if it is to the lefht enter a negative answer check qeston 18 what is the final velocity of ball 27 marked out ot 1.00 quetion 19 lfthe colision aststor 0 154 $ what isth* ipuse by ball 1? ns(right is postive, left marked out of check qtion 20 what average foroe is experienced by ball 1 during the collision? n fright is positive, eft is negative marked out off 1.00 check question 21 select any of the comments below that are comeatthere may be mone than one comect answen. mied out 1.00 select one or more: momentum is conserved so this an easte coliso. b. kinetic energy is not conserved in this collision so this is an inelastic collision c. ball 1 and bal 2 experience identical toroes. d knece energy is conserved in this colision sotie col ion is eiz e. the forces experienced by bal 1 and bal 2 have the same magnitude

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