17.02.2020 • 

The Sun being a nuclear reactor furnace throws a variety of radiation at the Earth 1a. What types of radiation does it emit and in what proportion? 2. How do plants respond to the Sun’s frequencies? 3. What is the solar wind? 3a. in what manner does the solar wind interact with the Earth? 4. What are the nature of solar flares and what happens if the Earth is hit by a solar flare? 5. Does the Earth have any protection from the sun’s radiation? what might it be? how does it work? 6. What is an Aurora – and how are they created? 7. Is the Earth the only planet to have auroras? 8. What Solar event interacted with the Earth in August of 1859 - What was the consequence? 8a. What would be the outcome (consequences) if a similar event oc

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