02.09.2020 • 

UNIT 11 TEXT QUESTIONS Review Questions
In the Kennedy assassination, how did one shot pass through two people without travelling in a straight
line, while another shot from the rear caused Kennedy's head to move backwards, rather than

Describe any two of Newton's three laws of motion.

Explain how fluorescence works, and discuss at least one way forensic scientist use fluorescence in

What is the law of conservation of energy? What is the consequence of that law for chemical reactions?
Name at least three examples of kinetic energy and at least two examples of potential energy.

Critical Thinking Questions

Two identical automobiles are racing towards each other. One vehicle is going 30 mph, the other is
going 60 mph. What will happen when the two vehicles collide, and why?

What would happen if the two
cars were moving at identical speeds?

You are on the steep edge of the Grand Canyon, which is miles deep. You fire an arrow at an 89 degree
angle towards the canyon (nearly straight up, with no hope of reaching the other side) Describe the
arrow's trajectory, in particular noting approximately when the arrow has the most deceleration, the
most acceleration, and then why the shift begins to happen. Cover all major points in the trajectory from
initial shot to final resting place. When is the arrow moving fastest?

Based on the information in the unit, explain how some prisms create rainbows as light pass through

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