30.03.2021 • 

You are at a train yard observing trains (because why not). You see a train car (let's call it car 1) moving to the right ( x direction) towards a stationary train car (let's call this one car 2). Car 1 has an initial velocity of 11.0 m/s. A helpful train employee tells you that Car 1 also has a mass of 1,525 kg and Car 2 has a mass of 1,965 kg. Car 1 gently collides with Car 2, allowing them to connect. After the collision the two train cars stay connected. You can assume that there is no friction in the system. If you have never see train cars connect, you can watch the first 25ish seconds of this video to see two train cars couple. However, these cars have friction, so they stop - unlike our problem. What is the Final Velocity of Car 1 after the collision

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