1) dillard’s thesis is implied. her essay does not follow the standard pattern you might be used to. what is the thesis of this essay? 2) dillard was a poet before she was an essayist. her essays use many of the techniques of poetry: figurative language, imagery, sensory appeal, rhythm, etc. choose three sentences or phrases that are most poetic in your opinion. identify three poetic techniques dillard uses and describe in detail their effect. how do they dillard convey her message? achieve her purpose? 3) a. "sojourners" shifts gears twice, which divides the essay into three distinct, but related sections. what are these distinct sections? what is the purpose of each section? how are they connected? b. how does dillard signal these shifts to the reader? what is the purpose of this essay structure? 4) dillard uses an extended metaphor, comparing us and our planet to the wandering mangrove islands. think of another metaphor you could use to describe the same thing and explain it. 5) how has your understanding of this text shifted from reading only the excerpt used on the m/c exam? what would you say is the real subject of this essay (both parts - what it’s about and what it’s really about)? how is the extensive section about mangroves central to the development of the essay and its purpose?

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