12.08.2020 • 
Social Studies

According to the site, what are the views and approaches for psychodynamic therapy and humanistic therapy? The psychodynamic approach focuses on the unconscious mind. This includes desires, urges, and unresolved conflicts. Most people are not aware of these issues or feelings during the day. Psychologists using this approach believe problems occur when:

trauma from the past (particularly during childhood) unconsciously shapes motivations.

conflicts exist between hidden desires and expectations from society.

Psychodynamic therapy focuses on bringing these unconscious wishes and experiences to light. Therapists work to help patients understand how these hidden issues are causing or affecting their behavior. When patients recognize their true motivations, they can resolve childhood conflicts and make conscious choices about solutions.

The humanistic approach focuses on the needs of each person. Humanists believe all people have the potential to grow and make healthy life choices. In this approach, problems result from struggles in everyday life, such as searching for a purpose or finding loving relationships. Instead of uncovering hidden feelings, humanists use therapy to talk with their patients about their current feelings, goals, and choices.

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