Fill in the Blanks The Roman people freed themselves from E__r__s__an rule in 509bce to set up a r__p__b__ic. Their government was run by two c__n__u__s who served one-year terms. The Senate was a group of pa__r__c__a__s that a__v__s__d the c__n__u__s. The patricians were the d__s__e__d__n__s of the leaders of the r__b__l__i__n against the Etruscans. In 491bce, a group of m__r__h__n__s, farmers and c__a__t__o__k__rs called p__e__e__a__s refused to fight in a Roman war unless the P__t__i_ia__s allowed them to *p__r_i__i__a__e in the g__v__r__me__t. The patricians allowed the plebeians to elect t__i__u__es to protect their interests. The patricians and the plebeians agreed on a legal code called the T__el__e Tables. Two thousand years after the founding of the Roman Republic, the framers of the American C__n__t__t__t__on used the Roman Republic as a model for the new American government. Answer in complete sentences *1. Use a dictionary to define “patri-,” the root of patrician. List at least two words with this root. *2. Why is the United States a republic? *3. Was every class represented in the Roman Republic? Explain your answer. *4. Why did many Romans consider Cincinnatus to be a hero? *5. What can you compare the Forum to in modern society? Explain your reasoning. *6. Explain what a veto was in ancient Rome? *7. Suggest a class rule that most students would agree to, but would be vetoed by the teacher. (You do not have to use complete sentences for this answer.)

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