08.02.2021 • 
Social Studies

I Need Help With This Essay i will give you 25 points if you help me Lesson 8 Writing an Analysis of a Literary Text

Prompt: Write an essay that analyzes how a text explains the sequence of events that affected the discovery of the Rosetta Stone.

To review how to create a thesis statement, see Instruction Part 1, Slide 6.
To review information for your body paragraphs about writing your opinion and giving supporting evidence, see Instruction Part 2, Slides 2 and 4 AND Instruction Part 3, Slides 2 and 4.

Format for Analysis of a Literary Text Essay:

Paragraph 1- This is your introductory paragraph. It should include brief general information about what the Rosetta Stone is and when it was discovered. The last sentence of this paragraph should contain your thesis statement.

Example of a thesis statement:
James Giblin presents information regarding the Rosetta Stone effectively by including effective details that are supported by strong evidence and by using strong language that supports his opinions.

Paragraphs 2-3 - These are your body paragraphs. You should include your opinion about the details that James Giblin includes in the excerpt and specific evidence from the excerpt that supports your opinion.

Example of opinion with supporting evidence: Giblin uses strong language to make his opinions clear. For example, Giblin says that Kircher is “even farther off the mark” than Harapollo and that “Kircher let his mind run wild,” and he calls the volumes that Kircher wrote about hieroglyphs “nonsense.” These phrases tell us that the researchers were making up the answers.**This example is from Instruction Part 3, Slide 4. If you use this opinion, be sure to write everything in your own words, except what’s in quotation marks!

Paragraph 4- This is your concluding paragraph. You should restate your thesis statement in this paragraph. You should also sum up your main information from the body paragraphs in one or two sentences.

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