Middle East Assignment 1.)Why would the English have interest in Palestine, a territory currently held by the Ottoman Empire in 1917?
2.)How does the CIA see a way to fund the release of the five hostages in Beirut in the document?
3.)How does the first paragraph help create the Iran-Contra Affair to be a bigger issue of 1985-1987?
4.)By selling the weapons to Iran, how does it help facilitate the increased scandal of the Iran-Contra Affair? (hint: selling for what/ perceived to sell for?)
5.)What group does the document state at the end of the document is the CIA agent indicating in the report?
6.)Why does this resolution affect the international politics of the Middle East in the Palestine- Israel Conflict?
7.)What prior event occured that led to the creation of the Resolution 242 of the United Nations?
8.)What documents have we talked about that would be affected by Resolution 242 when concerning the Israel-Palestine Conflict?
9.)Between which nations does the Camp David Accords of 1977- 1978 is the agreement made between?

10.)How does the Resolution 242 of the United Nations affect the agreement made between the nations that are part of the agreement?

11.)Why is the Gaza Strip and West Bank important land that led to both nations creating this agreement?

12.)Under which nation and which leader was the agreement created as the mediating nation?
13.)Was this agreement successful in what intended? Why or Why not?

14.)Between which two nations and which two leaders was this letter a communication for?

15.)During which Middle East conflict was this letter sent, and why was it sent?

16.)What/ who had caused the Middle East conflict between the two nations?
17.)How long was this conflict? List the date that it begins and when it ends.

18.)What Middle East Conflict does the political cartoon is trying to convey?

19.)From which side does the political cartoon is trying to convey the most from the Middle East conflict?

20.)What is the idea that the political cartoon is trying to convey?

21.)Is this political cartoon effective at conveying the Middle East conflict? Why or Why not?

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