14.03.2020 • 
Social Studies

Suleiman the Magnificent was a sultan (ruler) of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 to 1566. Under his rule, the empire enjoyed a golden age. Suleiman was a brilliant general who conquered many new lands after modernizing the army. Europeans dubbed him “The Magnificent” largely because of the splendor of his court. However, they also admired his virtues as a wise ruler. Ottoman power reached its height and became a world power under his rule. His rule represented one of the most orderly periods of history. While Suleiman was known as “the Magnificent” in the West, he was known as the “Lawgiver” to his own people. He received this moniker (nickname) because of how of he ruled his empire which included:
● Enforcing the Shari'ah, or Sacred Islamic Law by working closely with religious scholars who helped to interpret the law
● Creating another legal code called Kanuns which covered criminal law, land tenure and taxation that lasted for over three hundred years
SULEIMAN, ca 1530
● Ruled with the help of a grand vizier, and a divan (council).
● Using a huge bureaucracy that helped him supervise the business of government
● Using the powerful military to keep peace
● Acting against corrupt officials, especially those who overtaxed the population
● Protecting Jewish subjects from persecution
● Creating schools for Muslim boys to learn grammar, philosophy, and the sciences, etc.
● Building strong fortresses to defend the places he conquered and adorning the cities with
mosques, bridges, aqueducts, and other public works
● Transforming the previously Christian Byzantine city of Constantinople into Istanbul, the
Islamic center of the Ottoman Empire
One Flemish visitor to his court said this, “The Sultan himself assigns to all their duties and offices, and in doing so pays no attention to wealth or the empty claims of rank. He only considers merit. Thus offices are filled by men capable of performing them.”
1. How did Suleiman gain power? How did he maintain (keep) it ?
2. By what title was Suleiman known to his own subjects? How did he earn this title?

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