18.07.2020 • 
Social Studies

The defendant was on trial for driving while intoxicated and injuring a pedestrian. The pedestrian claimed that the defendant was driving the car; however, the defendant's spouse testified at trial that she had been driving the car at the time of the accident and had not consumed any alcohol that evening. In response, the prosecution calls a friend of the defendant's spouse to testify that the spouse told the friend that she and the defendant had changed seats in the car after the incident and that she remained in the driver's seat until the police arrived. Is the testimony admissible? A. Admissible for impeachment purposes only.
B. Admissible to show bias.
C. In-admissible, because a witness who is available to testify can be impeached only through cross-examination.
D. In-admissible, because the witness must be given an opportunity to explain or deny the statement.


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