15.01.2021 • 
Social Studies

The Jamestown Fort - A Close Examination -

Use this link here to investigate the Jamestown Fort!
You will answer the questions as you look around the Fort! Have fun!

What is located at Number 5?
What was this area used for?

Why was this location within the fort chosen for this site?

How do researchers know this site was from 1607?

What is located at Number 6?
How is the location at “6” different from “5”?
Why is “6” not located within the fort?
What had the Virginia Company instructed the Jamestown residents do with those who died? Why do you think that was?

3. What has happened to the Southwest corner of the Jamestown Fort (Number 3?)

4. “Soldier Pits” are located on the western side and were used in the very early stages of the Jamestown fort.
What number are they located at?
What were “Soldier Pits” used for?

Now, explore the rest of the Jamestown Fort! Write down 3 more features within the fort, where they were located, and what they were used for!

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