10.03.2021 • 
Social Studies

What changes did the British government make in the colonies after the French and Indian War? Why did the colonists protest the Sugar Act and Currency Act as forms of “taxation without representation”?
How did the colonists bring about the repeal of the Stamp Act?
Why did the colonists consider the Townshend Acts to be oppressive?
Why did the Tea Act result in such violent opposition?
In what ways did the Intolerable Acts build on earlier British laws?
What was the result of the battles at Lexington and Concord for the British and the colonists?
How did the Second Continental Congress pursue both peace and war?
What were the main goals of the two parts of the Declaration of Independence?
How did the events of the French and Indian War help lead to the American Revolution?
Why did the Patriots find the ideas of John Locke appealing?
How did the passage of the Townshend Acts lead to the Boston Tea Party?
Were boycotts an effective form of protest against British taxes and laws? Explain.
Which of the British laws and taxes placed the greatest burden on the colonies? Support your opinion with evidence from the chapter.
What groups were impacted the most by the Proclamation of 1763?
How did the geography of the Proclamation Line make it hard for the British to enforce it?
Compare this historical map to a present-day map of the eastern part of the United States. What similarities do you observe? What differences? How might those similarities and differences be explained?

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