22.12.2019 • 
Social Studies

With this questions i need the answers asap . using 60

10. how does compatibilism define free will?

a. people are totally free
b. every person chooses according to his/her greatest desire, but what people want is determines by and consistent with their moral nature
c. all our choices are completely arbitrary, unpredictable
d. none of the above

11. the study of theories of knowledge is called epistemology, which has three fundamental ways of answering the question of whether we have knowledge. what are the three ways?

a. skepticism, empiricism, rationalism
b. debate, rationalism, skepticism
c. empiricism, debate, rationalism
d. libertarianism, debate, rationalism

12.there are four personal identity theories. which answer below matches the illusion theory?

a. myself extends back as far as i can remember
b. there is no permanent self
c. we remain the same person in the same body
d. the soul will always exist

13. which of the four personal identity theories suggests that it is okay to not sabe for retirement because you will not be the same person long enough to use retirement?

a. illusion theory
b. body theory
c. soul theory
d. memory theory

14. what are the theories for how the mental state of mind and the physical state of body are related?
a. ethicalism, idealism
b. relativism, dualism
c. idealism, dualism, physicalism
d. all of the above

15. which theory for how the mental state of mind and the physical state of body are related have most philosophers dismissed as a theory?

a. relativism
b. dualism
c. idealism
d. physicalism

16. what do we experience when we decide that certain actions are morally good or morally wrong?

a. moral dilemma
b. moral intuition
c. common sense
d. scenarios

17. what is the theory of ethical relativism?

a. morality is relative to the norms of one’s culture
b. fundamental moral principles
c. individual morality
d. universe moral standards

what are some multicultural perspectives for women throughout the world?

can scientific procedure produce a quick answer to philosophical questions?

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