05.03.2021 • 

1. If a long tail is a dominant characteristic, in which case is the characteristic of a long tail definitely expressed? A) when at least one allele contains instructions for a long tail

B) when at least one parent has a long tail

C) when both alleles contain instructions for a long tail

D) when both parents have a long tail

2. What is true of all body cells except sex cells?

A) Each cell type carries chromosomes and genes that identify it as that specific type of cell. For example, skin cells have different chromosomes and genes than muscle cells.

B) Each body cell contains the same number and kinds of chromosomes for that organism. The chromosomes contain the same number and kinds of genes for that individual.

C) While each cell type in the body contains the same kinds of genes, they are organized on different chromosomes depending on the cell type.

D) While each cell in the body contains the same number of chromosomes, each cell type has different genes along those chromosomes.

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